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Monday, January 21, 2013

Saturday night: Fun with handicrafts

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.

-- Helen Keller (1880-1968) American Writer


Borrowing Helen Keller's words:

It is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks, like having "Fun with handicrafts" as if they were great and noble!

With such a small task repeated many times, and hopefully "practice makes perfect" I may turn the small tasks into a great and noble one!

Dexterine Ho Soo Miang


For over two years, Saturday evening gathering at my mum's apartment around 8.00 pm to 9.30pm has been "Fun with Handicrafts" night for my junior relatives!


Art and craft is rather addictive for kids! When they have completed one piece of craft work, the next minute they will ask for new ones to do!

If I am out for dinner or attending talks/events on Saturday night, they will be very disappointed and other stand-by commercial DIY kits may be used to keep them occupied. Yet, they prefer *"Er Yi Po"* Dexterine's creative ways of teaching! Learning from the Mastermind, according to them, is more fun and easy!

Note: "Er Yi Po" is "Second great-aunt" in English" pronounced in Mandarin.

Most of them are just pre-schoolers, and they enjoy paper cut-out, heart-shape pop-up, 3D works, origami and many other kinds of paper craft I teach in Schools and Libraries!

To them, cutting is interesting, drawing is challenging and pasting is difficult!

Yet, they amaze their parents by how creative they can be!

I enjoy the time spent with them, and it is their love of art and craft that unveils their creativity in many other fields! They learn to look at things in detail, and see things in their own way which is different from other kids! I am glad that I am a candle to brighten their path in their quest for creativity!

Many family members do not see the value of art and craft until they see how kids transform themselves through innovative art and craft done at home! Their creativity move their ideas and love in craft work beyond the art zone and their attention span and quest for learning is extended very much beyond kids of the same age!

The Golden Snake year in 2013 will be another great year for their quest in "Art and Craft!"

Dexterine Ho Soo Miang

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