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Monday, August 10, 2009

Creating your own experience

Some time, I feel that creativity is just my ally at certain moment.

Whatever I tried or can imagine may be created and become something real and tangible. 

A new possibility and a new reality can be created through some hard work of my mind and hands.

Some people may see that as magic and I am thrilled to have magical moment like that that amazed me too.

To be frank, I am not very sure what can turn out sometime, yet with confidence that something nice will be created, I just work on it and whatever can be created can be amazing to others and the creator!

Usually, I just try to play with different ideas, different materials or whatever I can use to translate my thought into actual works of art/craft. 

It is the process of naturally flow that thrilled me most of the time.  You do not really know the exact outcome, though you have some aspiration and inspiration.  Doing it, is a way of discovering and negotiating with your hiden thought, when you are able to discover what is deep inside the thought, you are thrilled.  If not, the negotiation process will transform your original ideas to something you hardly imagine, that is equally exciting! 

I am a person who like to collect things and ideas for my art and craft work. I think having a big "databank" of ideas and a home office with ample space to store all sorts of material now just make the flow easier to manage. But remember, we all start from zero and build things day by day, step by step!

I was and still a librarian at heart. With all the searching, indexing and cataloguing skills within my reach. It just makes sourcing ideas and organising ideas handy.

Some colleagues and friends are amazed that I can come out with art and craft pieces with ease, I think they should not hesitate to try and create the same experience for themselves.

I think most people can have this sense of "abundance" if they don't question their abilities and just try it out.  I am sure many who venture will reap the same rewards.

With Internet and Libraries around us, it is not necessary to have a personal databank like mine as I acquired and created it long before the Internet era and will keep it for nostalgic reason.

Nevertheless, remember you need to make use of what it available conveniently now.

With Internet resources, ideas is everywhere for us to access.  We are not lack of ideas, we are lack of time and willingness to act according to our will.

Any great work of art or craft need time to refine.  To perfect a piece of work, we need to practice our work day by day and creating anything is still a step-by-step matter.

With that you will be able to make the ideas work for you, you will be the first one to be amazed by our creation before other experience it through your works!


Dexterine Ho

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