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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

杨澜访谈录 黄西(Comedian Joe Wong) The road to Comedy Star喜剧表演之路 20121109

Source of information:

2000年黄西到麻州剑桥一家跨国基因制药公司 Sanofi-Aventis Genomics Center 实验室做科研。业余时间他就穿梭在新英格兰地区的酒吧、夜总会、俱乐部和大学礼堂,表­演他的单口笑话。波士顿是他起家的地方,美国深夜节目收视率冠军的"大卫莱­特曼秀",2009年4月17日晚上破天荒邀请中国口音极重的黄西(Joe Wong)亮相,以英语讲美式笑话,近六分钟的演出,观众反应热烈。黄西一炮而红。2­009年参加美国环球电影公司《谎言的诞生》的拍摄。

Mr. Joe Wong was born in baishan city, jilin province a Korean family. His three generations ago from north Korea peninsula immigration China [1]. Graduated from jilin university, majoring in chemistry. Had read graduate student in Chinese academy of sciences. Travel to the United States in 1994 and in 1994 obtained a doctorate in biochemical rice university in Texas.
Mr. Wong to Cambridge in 2000 genes a multinational pharmaceutical company Sanofi - Aventis Genomics Center laboratory to do research. Spare time he travels in the New England region of the bars, nightclubs, clubs and university auditorium, show his stand-up joke. Boston is the place where he started, the night viewing champion David letterman show, April 17, 2009 in the evening for the invited Chinese accent very heavy Wong (Joe Wong), American jokes in English, nearly six minutes show, the audience reaction. Mr. Wong was an instant hit. In the United States in 2009 universal "the birth of lies".
At the annual meeting of the American television journalists in March 2010, as the only invited comedian performance for the President and the national media representatives talk for 15 minutes.

Joe Wong (comedian)

Comedian Joe Wong

Joe Wong (Chinese: 黄西; pinyin: Huáng Xī, born 1970), is a Chinese American comedian and chemical engineer.[1] He was born to a Korean Chinese family[2] in Baishan, Jilin, China. His family moved from Korea to China three generations ago. He graduated from Jilin University and Chinese Academy of Sciences, before he went to further study chemistry at Rice University in Texas in 1994.[3] He moved to Boston in 2001 and began to perform his comedy at All Asia Bar, at Stash's Comedy Jam.

Although he had won numerous awards, he did not attract nationwide attention until after his appearance on Late Show with David Letterman on April 17, 2009.[4] His multiple appearances on TV, courtesy of Ellen DeGeneres, boosted his reputation further. On February 10, 2010 Wong made his second appearance Late Show,[5][6] and appeared again on March 30, 2012.

On St. Patrick's Day, 2010, he headlined the annual dinner hosted by the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association.[7][8]

Wong documented his performances in United States and China, discussing his limitations and style in Chinese humor.

On June 19, 2010, he placed first in the Third Annual Great American Comedy Festival.

Awards: Finalist at the Boston International Comedy and Film Festival (May 2003)[9] Best Short Film award at the Cambridge Fringe Fest (March 2003)[9] Six-time winner of Standup Comedy Contest at the Lizard Lounge in Cambridge, MA

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