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Saturday, February 21, 2009


今天我看舒氏的网站, 我心里很兴奋!

作为舒氏一员, 其实我早就想找找舒氏的历史文献!

Maybe, it is time to let those who addressed me as Dexterine Ho Soo Miang know that my father's original surname is Soo, or 舒, he adopted "Ho" as his surname during World War II. In his and our NRIC, our Surname is Ho, yet, in our heart, we identify 舒 as our surname!

As my father cannot changed his surname back to 舒, (the story is rather long and I will share it later) to make us remember our original surname, all his six children were given 舒 as the middle name.

舒 is Soo in Teo Chew and Shu in Hanyu Pinyi.

Well, for the story of my father's original surname, I will share it later. Now just let me guide you to learn more about 舒 as a surname via:


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